Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7 (Christmas IV): The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Presentation of the Lord

The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Presentation of the Lord
Sancta Maria in Præsentatione Domini

This Mass commemorates the role of our Lady in the mystery of the presentation of the Lord (cf. Luke 2, 27-35). With due observance of the law, the opportune time for its celebration is on a Saturday or weekday around 2 February.

Our Lady, who is given the title of "virgin daughter of Zion" (Preface) in this mystery of salvation:

- in accordance with the Law of Moses (cf. Leviticus 12, 1-8) submitter to the ritual of purification after childbirth, although as the "purest of virgins" from her "chaste womb" she had "brought forth in purity the son of the eternal Father" (Entrance Antiphon);

- faithfully carried out the law of the firstborn (cf. Exodus 13, 1-2), redeeming with the offering of the poor (cf. Luke 2, 24; Prayer over the Offerings) her Son, "the author of the New Law" (Collect), "the Redeemer of us all" (Prayer over the Offerings), "the glory of" the "people Israel and the light of all nations" (Preface; cf. Luke 2, 32), "the Lord, the Savior of the world" (Communion Antiphon);

- as "the handmaid of [God's] plan of salvation" (Preface) saw in her Son "the spotless Lamb, to be sacrificed on the altar of the Cross for our salvation" (Preface) and offered him to the Father.

This Mass recalls the prophecy of Simeon, who foretold that the child would be a sign of contradiction and that a sword of sorrow would pierce his Mother's heart (cf. Luke 2, 34-35); it celebrates the close association between our Lady and her son in the work of salvation: "son and Mother are united in one undivided love, in the one shared suffering, in the single will to do what pleases you" (Preface).

In fulfilling these roles in the mystery of salvation, our Lady is the exemplar of the Church. So we ask the Father that the virgin Church, "like the Virgin Mary" (Prayer after Communion), the handmaid of the Lord (cf. Luke 1, 38), may "keep its faith unspotted, grow in hope of heaven, and  deepen its heartfelt love for you" (Collect), "serve you with undivided heart" (Prayer after Communion), and, "with the lamp of faith burning brightly, go out with joy to meet the Bridegroom" (Prayer after Communion; cf. Matthew 25, 1. 4).


Entrance Antiphon
Hail, purest of virgins, from your chaste womb
you brought forth in purity the Son of the eternal Father.

Ave, Virgo purissima,
quæ e gremio virginali,
pure genuisti æterni Patris Fflium.

Lord, grant that the Church,
the chaste bride of Christ,
may keep unbroken the New Covenant of love
and, like your humble handmaid,
who presented to you in the temple
the author of the New Law,
may the Church keep its faith unspotted,
grow in hope of heaven,
and deepen its heartfelt love for you.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

Novum amoris fœdus, Domine,
virgo Ecclesia integrum custodiat
et, humilis Ancillæ tuæ exemplo,
quæ tibi novæ legis Auctorem in templo præsentavit,
intaminatam servet fidem,
supernam roboret spem,
ardentem nutriat caritatem.
Per Dominum.


First Reading
Mal 3, 1-4

The Lord whom you seek will come to his temple.

A reading from the Book of the Prophet Malachi

The LORD says:
   Lo, I am sending my messenger
   to prepare the way before me;
and suddenly there will come to the temple
   the LORD whom you seek,
and the messenger of the covenant whom you desire.
   Yes, he is coming, says the LORD of hosts.
But who will endure the day of his coming?
   And who can stand when he appears?
For he is like the refiner’s fire,
   or like the fuller’s lye.
He will sit refining and purifying silver,
   and he will purify the sons of Levi,
refining them like gold or like silver
   that they may offer due sacrifice to the LORD.
Then the sacrifice of Judah and Jerusalem
   will please the LORD,
   as in the days of old, as in years gone by.

The word of the Lord.

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 24, 7. 8. 9. 10.

R. (cf. 10b) 
The Lord of hosts is king of glory.

Lift up your heads, O gates;
   rise up, you ancient portals,
   that the king of glory may enter. R.

Who is this king of glory?
The LORD, a mighty warrior,
   the LORD, mighty in battle. R.

Lift up your heads, O gates;
   rise up, you ancient portals,
   that the king of glory may enter. R.

Who is this king of glory?
   The LORD of hosts is the king of glory. R.


R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Jesse's shoot has blossomed:
a virgin has given birth
to one who is truly God and truly human;
God has restored our peace,
reconciling in himself earth with heaven.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Lk 2:27-35

A sword will pierce your very soul.

Simeon came in the Spirit into the temple;
   and when the parents brought in the child Jesus
   to perform the custom of the law in regard to him,
   Simeon took Jesus into his arms and blessed God, saying:
      “Now, Master, you may let your servant go
         in peace, according to your word,
      for my eyes have seen your salvation,
         which you prepared in sight of all the peoples,
      a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
         and glory for your people Israel.”

The father and mother of Jesus were amazed at what was said about him;
   and Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother,
   “Behold, this child is destined
   for the fall and rise of many in Israel,
   and to be a sign that will be contradicted
   (and you yourself a sword will pierce)
   so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”

The Gospel of the Lord.


Lord, let our prayers and offerings be acceptable to you
as we present them with joy in our hearts
on this memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
who made the offering of the poor to redeem her Son,
himself the Redeemer of all.
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

Acceptæ sint tibi, Domine, preces et hostiæ
in commemoratione beatæ Virginis lætanter oblatæ,
quæ ad redimendum Filium,
omnium nostrum redemptorem,
pauperum munus obtulit.
Qui vivit.


Our Lady is the handmaid of God's plan of salvation
(Beata Virgo Maria, salvificæ dispensationis ministra)

The Lord be with you.
R. And with your spirit.

Lift up your hearts.
R. We lift them up to the Lord

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
R. It is right and just.

It is truly right to give you thanks,
truly just to give you glory, Father most holy,
as we celebrate this memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

She is the virgin daughter of Zion
who, in fulfilment of the Law,
presents to you her Son,
the glory of your people Israel
and the light of all nations.

She is the Virgin,
the handmaid of your plan of salvation,
who presents to you the spotless Lamb,
to be sacrificed on the altar of the Cross
for our salvation.

She is the Virgin Mother
who rejoices in this child of blessing,
is saddened by the prophecy of Simeon,
but who exults that your people
go out to meet their Savior.

Lord, we see your providence
as Son and Mother are united
in the one undivided love,
in the one shared suffering,
in the single will to do what pleases you.

In our joy we sing to your glory
with all the choirs of Angels:

Vere dignum est tibi gratias agere,
vere iustum est te glorificare, Pater sancte,
in hac memoria beatæ Virginis Mariæ.

Hæc est Virgo Filia Sion,
quæ legem adimplens, in templo tibi sistit Filium,
gloriam plebis tuæ Israel et lumen omnium gentium.

Hæc est Virgo, salvificæ dispensationis ministra,
quæ tibi Agnum immaculatum offert,
in ara crucis pro nostra immolandum salute.

Hæc est Virgo Mater,
gaudens de Prole benedicta,
dolens de Senis prophetia,
exsultans de populo tuo occurrente Salvatori.

Sic, Domine, te disponente,
Filium et Matrem unus sociat amor,
unus iungit dolor unaque tibi placendi movet voluntas.

Et ideo, choris angelicis sociati,
te laudamus, in gaudio confitentes

Holy, Holy, Holy....

Communion Antiphon
The Virgin stands, presenting her Son, born before the daystar;
Simeon takes him in his arms and proclaims to all peoples
that this is the Lord, the Savior of the world.

Subsistit Virgo,
adducens manibus Filium ante luciferum genitum,
quern accipiens Simeon in ulnas suas,
prædicavit populis Dominum esse et Salvatorem mundi.

Lord God,
grant that by the power of the Sacrament we have received
the virgin Church, like the Virgin Mary, may serve you with undivided heart,
be attentive to the voice of the Spirit,
and, with the lamp of faith burning brightly,
go out with joy to meet the Bridegroom.
Who lives and reins for ever and ever.

Percepti sacramenti virtute,
virgo Ecclesia, virgini Mariæ similis,
tibi sincero corde deserviat,
Spiritus vocem obaudiat,
ac, fidei lampade accensa,
venienti Sponso læta occurrat.
Qui vivit.

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