Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Missal for the Apostolic Journey to Panama

On 23-28 January, Pope Francis will embark on his 26th Apostolic Journey in Panama, on the occasion of the 34th World Youth Day, taking place on 22-27 January with the theme "I am the servant of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word." (Lk 1:38)

On this occasion, the Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff published the Missal for this occasion in use by the Holy Father and . The Missal contains 6 Liturgical Celebrations the Holy Father will preside; 2 Holy Masses (a Dedication of the Altar and the WYD Concluding Mass), a Sacrament of Confession and the events related with the World Youth Day, other than the final Mass (Welcoming Ceremony, the Via Crucis [since 2011] and the evening Vigil).

The Languages will be spoken in Spanish, while the intercession or the Prayers of the Faithful will be spoken in different languages (French, Italian, Korean, Arabic, English & Portuguese).

Liturgical Celebrations presided by the Holy Father

The Welcoming Ceremony with the Youth - Thursday, 24 January 2019.
- The Welcoming Ceremony, takes place at the Cinta Costera, nicknamed "Campo Santa Maria La Antigua" for this event, named after the Patroness of Panama. and as always in the form of the Liturgy of the Word. After the Entrance song, the Ordinary of the host city, on this case, Msgr. José Domingo Ulloa Mendieta, O.S.A., Archbishop of Panama City greets the Holy Father. A presentation will be performed by the Panamanian youth and the presentation of the Patrons of the World Youth Day.

The Liturgy will then officially begin, the Opening Prayer is taken from the 2nd Opening Prayer of the Votive Mass "for a Spiritual or Pastoral gathering" from the Roman Missal. The Gospel according to St. John will then be proclaimed, after which the Holy Father will give his allocution. The Pater Noster is sung and the Holy Father will then impart his Apostolic Blessing.

As the Liturgy concluded the "Salve Regina" is sung to which the Holy Father will give a floral offering to Our Lady.

Penitential liturgy with young detainees - Friday, 25 January 2019
- The Holy Father will then go to the Centro de Cumplimiento de Menores Las Garzas in Pacora, where he will conduct the Sacrament of Confession to several young detainees. The Rite is with accordance to the format of the Sacrament. After the Sacrament, the Pater Noster is recited and the Apostolic Blessing is imparted.

Via Crucis with the Youth - Friday, 25 January 2019
- since World Youth Day 2011, the Holy Father has joined the youth in praying the Via Crucis or the Way of the Cross with the young people (in World Youth Day 2008 however, the Holy Father recited the 1st Station, while watched the rest of the Prayer at St. Mary's Cathedral). 

The Holy Father returns at the "Campo Santa Maria La Antigua". After the Trinitarian invocation and introductory remarks from both the Holy Father and 2 youth, the Via Crucis will began. According to the official website of the WYD 2019 event, the Stations will be taken from the Scriptural Way of the Cross made by the Holy Father during the Good Friday 1991. Once the Prayers finished, the Holy Father will give his Allocution and give his Apostolic Blessing.

Holy Mass and the Dedication of he Altar - Saturday, 26 January 2019
- for the First time of his Papacy, Pope Francis will dedicate the Altar of the Cathedral Basilica of Santa Maria La Antigua.

The Formulary for the Mass is in accordance with the Proper of the Mass for the Dedication of an Altar. The Rites takes place in accordance with the Dedication. The Eucharistic Prayer III is used.

Vigil with the Youth - Saturday, 26 January 2019
- The young people of the world will move to a bigger location for the last 2 days of the World Youth Day. From Cinta Costera, the young will go to Metro Park named for the occasion as "Campo San Juan Pablo II" named after the Founder and Patron of World Youth Day.

The Vigil is broken into 2 parts; first is the entertainment production by the young people and the second is the Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction. After the Adoration, the Holy Father will recite a Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, since this World Youth Day is dedicated to Our Lady.

Holy Mass for the 34th World Youth Day - Sunday, 27 January 2019
- the Main Event of the WYD is the Holy Mass with young people presided by the Holy Father. The Mass formulary is taken from the proper of the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Eucharistic Prayer III is used.

and since the Holy Mass takes place at 8am [Panama time], the announcement of the next World Youth Day will not take place before the recitation of the Angelus Domini for the first time in the WYD history but rather it will be announced after the Act of Consecration to the young people by the Holy Father.

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