Thursday, March 28, 2019

Holy Mass Indications for Pope Francis' Apostolic Journey to Morocco

Holy Mass Formulary: 4th Sunday of Lent
Preface: Preface II of Lent (Spiritual penance)
Eucharistic Prayer: III
Readings: Proper for the 4th Sunday of Lent
  • 1st Reading in Spanish
  • Responsorial Psalm in English
  • 2nd Reading in Arabic
  • Verse before the Gospel and the Gospel itself in French
Universal prayer or of the faithful

Holy Father:
Queridos hermanos,
oremos al Padre de las Misericordias,
para que se digne mirarnos con su ternura
y acoja benignamente nuestras peticiones.
Dear brothers, 
let us pray to the Father of Mercies, 
so that he may deign to look at us with his tenderness 
and kindly accept our petitions.

R/. Seigneur écoute nous, Seigneur exauce nous.
Lord listen to us, Lord hear us.

1. Spanish
Oremos por el Papa, los obispos y los sacerdotes.
Te pedimos, oh Padre,
que la fuerza de tu Santo Espíritu los proteja del mal
y los haga cada día más semejantes al misterio de Cristo
que celebran en el altar.
Let us Pray for the Pope, the bishops and the priests.
We ask you, Father, 
that the strength of your Holy Spirit protect them from evil 
and make them more and more similar to the mystery of Christ 
that they celebrate on the altar.

2. French
Prions pour la famille royale et tous les gouvernants.
Que ta grâce, ô Dieu Très-Haut,
éclaire leurs choix
et les soutienne dans la conduite de notre pays bien-aimé
dans la justice et dans la fraternité véritable.
Let us Pray for the royal family and all the rulers.
May your grace, O God Most High, 
enlighten their choices 
and support them in the conduct of our beloved country 
in justice and true brotherhood.

3. English
Let us pray for the Church in Morocco.
May the fire of your Spirit, O Father,
rekindle the desire for holiness in all the baptised
and lead them along the authentic path of conversion and love.

4. Portuguese
Oremos pela paz no mundo.
Ó Pai, que o vosso Espírito de reconciliação
vença todas as formas de rancor e de ódio
e abra os homens para o diálogo e o serviço mútuo.
Let us Pray for peace in the world.
O Father, may your Spirit of reconciliation 
overcome all forms of bitterness and hatred 
and open men to dialogue and mutual service.

5. Italian
Preghiamo per i migranti e i profughi. 
Il tuo Spirito di amore, o Padre,
plasmi comunità e popoli accoglienti e solidali
e nessun uomo si senta rifiutato e umiliato. 
Let us pray for migrants and refugees.
Your Spirit of love, Father, 
shape communities and peoples that are welcoming and supportive 
and no man feels rejected and humiliated.

6. Arabic
لنصلِّ من أجل الفقراء والمتألِّمين والأشخاص الوحيدين

ليُسكِّنَ روحُك المعزّي أيُّها الآب، الجراح

ويُبدِّدَ الحُزنَ ويفتحَ مجدّدًا أمام الجميع دربَ الرجاء
We pray for the poor, the suffering and the lonely.
Your consoling Spirit, Father, soothes the wounds, dispels the anguish and reopens in front of everyone the way of hope.

Holy Father:
Padre, que en nuestra fragilidad
nos socorres con tus dones abundantes,
concédenos recibir con alegría
la salvación que nos otorgas
y manifestarla con nuestra propia vida.
Por Jesucristo, nuestro Señor.
Father, who in our frailty 
you help us with your abundant gifts, 
grant us to receive with joy 
the salvation you grant us 
and to manifest it with our own life.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

R/. Amén.

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