Saturday, July 29, 2023

Indications on the Liturgical Celebrations of Pope Francis' Apostolic Pilgrimage to Portugal for the 32nd World Youth Day in Lisbon (2-6 August)






2-6 August 2023


“Mosteiro dos Jerónimos”

August 2, 2023 - Wednesday 5.30pm


Introductory Rite


Onde há caridade verdadeira


Short Reading

2 Tm 1, 7-10


Short Responsory

Blessed be the Lord, now and forever.
R. Blessed be the Lord, now and forever.

He alone works wonders.
R. Now and forever.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit
R. Blessed be the Lord, now and forever.

Canticle of the Blessed Virgin


Holy Father:
In all things may the name of the Lord be glorified,
who loves his people with infinite charity.
May our prayer goes up to him:

R. Show us, Lord, your love.

1. God of mercy, protect the Holy Father Francis and our Bishops and give them strength to guide your Church faithfully. R. 

2. Increase the spirit of charity in the priests and deacons of the Church and keep the faithful in the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. R. 

3. Multiply like olive shoots around your table, the children who consecrate themselves to your kingdom, to follow Christ more closely, in poverty, chastity and obedience. R. 

4. Confirm the purpose of those who consecrate their virginity to you, to follow Christ, the Lamb of God, wherever he goes. R. 

5. Grant, Lord, to young people the realization of their hopes and that they know how to respond with greatness of spirit to your call. R. 

6. To all who love justice and work for it, help them to collaborate, with sincerity and harmony, in building your Kingdom. R. 

7. Lead the dead to the light where you dwell, so that they may contemplate you eternally. R. 

Our Father

Holy Father:
In communion with the whole Church, let us pray as the Lord has taught us:

Pater Noster...

Concluding Prayer

Concluding Rite

Marian Antiphon

A Vossa Proteção
(Sub tumm Praesidium)


“Parque Eduardo VII”

August 3, 2023 - Thursday 5.45pm



Welcoming Program of Young People

Entrance of the Flags

Entrance of the World Youth Day Cross and Icon

(Evangelization of Peoples, B)

Holy Father:
O God, you have willed that your Church
be the sacrament of salvation for all nations,
so that Christ's saving work may continue to the end of the ages;
stir up, we pray, the hearts of your faithful
and grant that they may feel a more urgent call
to work for the salvation of every creature,
so that from all the peoples on earth one family and one people of your own
may arise and increase.
Through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.

(Lk 10, 1-9)



Holy Father:
Let us invoke our Patrons,
who followed Christ wholeheartedly:

Lady of the Visitation, you are for us a model of constant self-giving and service.

Choir: Nossa Senhora da Visitação.
R. Ora pro nobis.

John Paul II, you hoped and believed in a youth capable of changing the world with the witness of faith.

Choir: Sao Joao Paulo II.
R. Ora pro nobis.

John Bosco, in your closeness to every young person you were a sign and bearer of God's love.

Choir: Sao Joao Bosco.
R. Ora pro nobis.

Vincent, with the strength of your faith you inspire us to serve with courage and joy.

Choir: Sao Vicente.
R. Ora pro nobis.

Antonio, with the wisdom of faith you reveal to us the mysteries of God.

Choir: Santo Antonio de Lisboa.
R. Ora pro nobis.

Bartolomeo, you are the perfect image of the good and humble shepherd to his sheep.

Choir: San Bartolomeu dos Martires.
R. Ora pro nobis.

John of Britto, with courage you embraced the mission of bringing Christ to all.

Choir: Sao Joao de Brito.
R. Ora pro nobis.

Joanna, with your consecrated life you show us the beauty of belonging to God..

Choir: Beata Joana de Portugal.
R. Ora pro nobis.

John Fernandes, with the audacity of faith you gave your life to God and to humanity.

Choir: Beato Joao Fernandes.
R. Ora pro nobis.

Maria Chiara, in your poorest brothers and sisters you have always found Christ.

Choir: Beata Maria Clara do Menino Jesus.
R. Ora pro nobis.

Pier Giorgio, with the joy of being Christian you show us the true path to heaven.

Choir: Beato Pier Giorgio Frassati.
R. Ora pro nobis.

Marcello, at all times, happy or more demanding, you are an exemplary model of Christian coherence.

Choir: Beato Marcel Callo.
R. Ora pro nobis.

Chiara, in pain you made the light of union with Jesus shine.

Choir: Beata Chiara Luce (Badano).
R. Ora pro nobis.

Carlo, in the Eucharist you found the strength to live all the moments of your life.

Choir: Beato Carlo Acutis.
R. Ora pro nobis.

Our Father

Holy Father:
In communion with the whole Church, we dare to say:

Pater Noster...

Concluding Rite

Moment of Sending


“Parque Eduardo VII”

August 4, 2023 - Friday 6pm


Introductory Rites

Opening Prayer
(Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, September 14)

Holy Father:
O God, who willed that your Only Begotten Son
should undergo the Cross to save the human race,
grant, we pray,
that we, who have known his mystery on earth,
may merit the grace of his redemption in heaven.
Through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen




Jesus Arose and began on his Way.
Mary arose and began on her way. Jesus learned from his Mother: even under the weight of the Cross, Jesus arose and began on His way. Lord, teach us young people to rise and move forward. Even when life is difficult.

The traditional Stations of the Cross is followed. Testimonies is said after the meditations on the 3rd, 7th & 9th Stations. The Stations ends with the recitation of the Pater Noster.

Closing Prayer

Holy Father:
Holy Father, infuse in us
the wisdom and strength of your Spirit,
so that, following Christ on the way of the cross,
we may be ready to give our lives
to manifest your loving presence 
to the world.
Through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen



This I Believe (The Creed)


Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima
Chapel of the Apparitions

August 5, 2023 - Saturday 9.30am



Ave de Fatima

The Holy Father enters the Chapel of the Apparitions, venerates the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary  of Fatima and pauses in silent prayer. Two children offer him flowers which he places at the foot of the  statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary and gives him a golden rosary.

Holy Father:
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Brothers and sisters
«Pray, pray very much», was the recommendation that the Angel and Our Lady made to the Little Shepherds. Gathered here, as a praying Church, united in a special way, with the Holy Father Francis and his intentions, we will pray the rosary, meditating on the Joyful Mysteries.

First Mystery:
The Annunciation of the Angel to Mary.

(Lk 1, 30-31)
Let us pray for young prisoners, so that, with Mary's help, they may feel the tenderness of God the Father in their lives and live in the confidence that He never abandons them.

Pater Noster... (in Portuguese)
Ave Maria... (in Portuguese)

The schola and the assembly:
Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto,
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

O Mary, conceived without sin,
R. pray for us who have recourse to thee

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell,
R. lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are in most need of Thy mercy.

The schola sings the refrain of the Marian chant Magnificat.

Second Mystery:
The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth.

(Lk 1, 39-41)
Let us pray for all the young people who are taking part in World Youth Day 2023, so that, encouraged  by Mary's attitude, they will hastily rise up and announce the Good News of Jesus to everyone.

Pater Noster... (in Spanish)
Ave Maria... (in Spanish)

The schola and the assembly:
Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto,
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

O Mary, conceived without sin,
R. pray for us who have recourse to thee

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell,
R. lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are in most need of Thy mercy.

The schola sings the refrain of the Marian chant Magnificat.

Third Mystery:
The Nativity of Jesus.

(Lk 2, 6-7)
Let us pray for sick and disabled young people, so that, like Mary's affection for Jesus, may they feel the support and comfort of all and not be victims of discrimination.

Pater Noster... (in Italian)
Ave Maria... (in Italian)

The schola and the assembly:
Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto,
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

O Mary, conceived without sin,
R. pray for us who have recourse to thee

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell,
R. lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are in most need of Thy mercy.

The schola sings the refrain of the Marian chant Magnificat.

Fourth Mystery:
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple.

(Lk 2, 22)
Let us pray for peace, so that the Holy Virgin, who at Fatima asked “I want you to pray the rosary to achieve peace”, may present our prayers to the Lord and a lasting period of peace may be granted to the world.

Pater Noster... (in English)
Ave Maria... (in English & German)

The schola and the assembly:
Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto,
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

O Mary, conceived without sin,
R. pray for us who have recourse to thee

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell,
R. lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are in most need of Thy mercy.

The schola sings the refrain of the Marian chant Magnificat.

Fifth Mystery:
The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple.

(Lk 2, 51)
Let us pray for Pope Francis, that Our Lady of Fatima may make him feel her motherly presence, envelop him in the immense light that is God and keep him in her Immaculate Heart.

Pater Noster... (in Spanish)
Ave Maria... (in Spanish)

The schola and the assembly:
Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto,
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

O Mary, conceived without sin,
R. pray for us who have recourse to thee

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell,
R. lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are in most need of Thy mercy.

The schola sings the refrain of the Marian chant Magnificat.


For peace in the world:
Ave Maria...

For the Conversion of Sinners:
Ave Maria...

For our Holy Father, Pope Francis:
Ave Maria...

Marian Antiphon

Salve Regina

His Excellency, José Ornelas Carvalho, SCI, Bishop of Leiria-Fátima and President of the Episcopal Conference of Portugal, addresses a greeting to the Holy Father.


Prayer of the Holy Father



Hino dos pastorinhos (Salve, pastorinhos)


Parque Tejo

August 5, 2023 - Saturday 8.45pm


"The meeting with Jesus and the way towards Holiness"




through art in three moments:
- Encounter
- Getting up
- Leave




The Blessed Sacrament is exposed, while the schola sings Ave verum.

The schola sings the invocations:
My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love You!
I ask pardon of You for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not hope and do not love You!

Silence for adoration and personal prayer.

Prayers, songs and moments of silence alternate during Eucharistic adoration.


Anima Christi


The Celebrant:
Lord our God,
in this great sacrament
we come into the presence of Jesus Christ, your Son,
born of the Virgin Mary
and crucified for our salvation.
May we who declare our faith
in this fountain of love and mercy
drink from it the water of everlasting life.
Through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.

Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament

Divine Praises

The Deacon returns the Blessed Sacrament to the tabernacle.




Parque Tejo

August 6, 2023 - Sunday 9am


Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

The eulogical and biblical texts of the Holy Mass are the proper ones on the Feast of the Transfiguration. The Eucharistic Prayer is II.


Holy Father:
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
R. Amen.

Peace be with you.
R. Blessed be God, who has brought us together in the love of Christ.

Card. Manuel Clemente, Patriarch of Lisbon, addresses a greeting to the Holy Father.

* * *

Universal Prayer or of the Faithful

Holy Father:
Brothers and Sister in Christ:
Let us invoke God our Father,
who revealed to us the
divinity of his beloved Son
and commanded us to
listen to him, saying, with joy.
R. Lord, fill us with your light.

For the Church, holy people of God:
that following the example of Mary, the first disciple and missionary of the Gospel, may she be for  humanity a luminous and transparent testimony of faith, and a fruitful seed of unity and hope. We pray to the Lord. R.

For Pope Francis and for all ministers of the Gospel:
that encountering the transforming beauty of the transfigured Lord Jesus, may they courageously share the gift of his love with those who do not know him. We pray to the Lord. R.

 For the men and women who govern our societies:
that allowing themselves to be transfigured by Jesus, may they contribute with their lives to building a more fraternal society in which justice, truth and peace prevail. 
We pray to the Lord. R.

For all who are ill, unemployed, marginalized, or are facing difficulties:
that the Holy Spirit console them and transform their hearts, that he help them grow in faith, hope and charity, and that they find consolation in the loving care of their brothers and sisters. We pray to the Lord. R.

5. For peoples tormented by violence and war:
that the world may welcome God's peace and always choose the path of dialogue and forgiveness, and not that of conflict and hatred. We pray to the Lord. R.

For young people participating in World Youth Day: 
that listening to the Gospel and fascinated by the beauty of the Lord Jesus, may they devote themselves to building their own future by bringing hope and joy to the Church and the world. We pray to the Lord. R.

For us gathered here to celebrate the Eucharist:
that courageously entrusting ourselves to the word of God and strengthened by the Bread of life, we become leaven of light and hope among our brothers and sisters.

Holy Father:
Accept, O Father, our prayer
and enlighten us with the light of the holy mountain,
so that, seeing the splendor of your face
and listening to the voice of your Son,
we may be fully configured to him.
Who lives and reigns forever and ever.
R. Amen.

* * *


Cardinal Kevin Joseph Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, addressed a greeting to the Holy Father.

The Holy Father hands over the WYD crosses to some representatives of the young people of the five continents.


The Holy Father announces the location and year in which the next WYD will take place.


Solemn Blessing

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Rite of the opening of the Holy Door on the Jubilee Year of the Redemption (25 March 1983)






The eulogical and biblical texts of the Holy Mass are the proper ones on the Solemnity of the Annunciation. The Eucharistic Prayer is III.
Some other significant texts are also reported: Introductory rites, the rite of the opening of the Holy Door, the invocation of the Holy Year recited by Pope John Paul II at the end of his homily and the Prayers of the Faithful.


As the Holy Father enters the Church of Santo Stefano degli Abissini, the choirs sings:

Entrance antiphon

Attende, Domine, et miserere, quia peccavimus tibi.

The Holy Father:
In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.
R. Amen.

Gratia vobis et pax 
a Deo Patre nostro 
et a Domino Iesu Christo, 
qui dilexit nos et lavit nos 
a peccatis nostris in sanguine suo.

R. Ipsi gloria in sæcula sæculorum.

To you grace and peace 
from God our Father 
and the Lord Jesus Christ, 
who loved us and washed us 
from our sins in his blood.

To him be the glory for ever and ever.

The Holy Father:
Brothers: we are gathered here
in the church of Santo Stefano degli Abyssini
to begin a penitential rite
at the moment in which the Jubilee year of Redemption
is about to open with the Holy Door.
Now, to participate worthily
in this much desired celebration
that prepares us for the celebration of the Eucharist,
we proceed to the Holy Door,
invoking God's Mercy upon us sinners.


The Deacon:
Procedamus in pace.
R. In Christi nomine. 

Let us go in peace.
In Christ's name.

The procession begins to the atrium of the Basilica. Meanwhile they sing the:

Litany of the Saints

The Holy Father:
Domine Deus, Pater indulgentiarum, 
qui largiris Ecclesiæ tuæ 
hoc pænitentiaæ tempus et remissionis, 
up per semitas tuas, 
intus per Spiritum Sanctum renovata, 
lætanter procedat sitque in mundo 
salutis atque redemptionis sacramentum; 
dignare, quæsumus, nostris accedere votis, 
tuæque nunc ianua reserata clementiæ, 
in cælestem fac olim habitationem intremus, 
quam Iesus Christus, Filius tuus, 
primitiæ hominum introivit, 
ibique laudes in æternum tibi cantemus.
Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
R. Amen.

Let us pray.
Lord God, Father of mercy, 
you grant your Church 
this time of penance and forgiveness, 
so that she may have the joy of interior renewal 
through the work of the Holy Spirit 
and of walking ever forward in your ways, 
remaining in the midst of the world 
a sign of salvation and redemption, 
deign, we ask, to approach our wishes
open completely the door of your mercy to us, 
to one day unlock for us the doors of your dwelling in heaven, 
where Jesus, your Son 
and first of the human race, preceded us, 
to to be able, all together, to sing to you forever.
Through Christ our Lord.


The Schola sings an invocation to the Holy Spirit.

Veni, creator Spiritus

At the end of it, the Holy Father approaches the Holy Door, receives the hammer from the hands of the Cardinal Penitentiary, and as he strikes the Door, sings the following verses:

Aperite mihi portas iustitiæ.
R. Ingressus in eas, confitebor Domino.
Open to me the gates of holiness.
I will enter and give thanks.

Hæc porta Domini.
R. Iusti intrabut in eam.
This is the Lord's own door.
Where the just may enter.

Introibo, in domum tuam, Domine.
R. Adorabo ad templum sanctum tuum.
I will enter your house, O Lord.
I will bow down before your holy temple.

The Holy Father returns to the chair. While the Holy Door is being cleaned by the Friars of the Franciscan Conventual, the singers sing the Psalm.

At the end of the psalm, the Holy Father says the following prayer:
Deus, qui per Moysem 
populo tuo annum iubilæi et remissionis misericorditer instituisti, 
concede propitius Ecclesiæ tuæ 
hoc tempus acceptabile, 
quo portam hanc fidelibus tuis 
ad preces tibi porrigendas ingredientibus 
sollemniter aperire voluisti, 
feliciter inchoare: 
ut, venia et indulgentia 
plenæ remissionis delictorum obtenta, 
in novitate vitæ 
secundum Evangelium Filii tui alacriter ambulent 
ad cælestem gloriam 
in domo tua valeant pervenire.
Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
R. Amen.

Let us pray.
O God, who through Moses 
established the year of jubilee and remission for your people, 
graciously grant your Church 
to live joyfully in the propitious moment, 
in which you wanted to open this Door to your faithful, 
so that they may enter 
and may they raise their prayers to you: 
so that, imploring forgiveness, indulgence, 
and the full remission of sins, 
they may walk quickly in a new life 
according to the Gospel of your Son 
and may reach heavenly glory in your abode.
Through Christ our Lord.

The Holy Father returns to the Holy Door, genuflects on its threshold, while the Schola begins the hymn Cælestis urbs Ierusalem.

At the end of the prayer, the Holy Father gets up, kiss the jambs of the Holy Door, enters alone, and first, into the Basilica, and goes towards the "Confession" of St. Peter's. In the meantime the Schola and the assembly continue singing the aforesaid hymn.

Subsequently also the Cardinals, the Bishops, and all the others, according to the traditional order, enter the Basilica, after having kissed the jambs of the Holy Door, and start in procession to the assigned places.

The Holy Father, having arrived at the altar, ascends to the chair and begins the hymn Gloria in excelsis Deo.

* * *

Invocation of the Holy Year

"Year of grace" that I, successor of Peter, invoke from you, Lord of all ages and all history, who loved us unto death in order to give us abundant life:

1. Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, 
who, through the work of the Holy Spirit, 
took your body from the Virgin Mary and became man!
Jesus Christ, Redeemer of man! 
You who are the same yesterday, today, and forever!
Welcome this extraordinary Jubilee Year 
offered by your Church 
to commemorate the one thousand nine hundred and fiftieth 
anniversary of your death and resurrection for the redemption of the world.
You, who have made the work of Redemption 
the source of ever new gifts for your earthly Bride, 
allow your saving power to permeate 
all the days, weeks, and months of this Year, 
so that it truly becomes the "Year of Grace of the Lord" for us.

2. Make us all love you even more during this election season 
by reliving the mysteries of your life, 
from conception and birth to the cross and resurrection; 
be with us through these mysteries, 
be with us in the Holy Spirit, and do not abandon us! 
Always return to us (cf. Jn 14, 18).

3. Convert everyone to Love 
by recognizing in you, Son of Eternal Love, 
the Father who is "rich in mercy" (Eph 2:4).
Throughout this year, the entire Church will feel the abundance of your Redemption, 
which manifests itself in the forgiveness of sins 
and the purification of their residues, 
which weigh on souls called to an immortal life.
Help us overcome our apathy and sluggishness!
Provide us with a sense of sin.
Create a pure heart in us, O Lord, 
and renew a firm spirit in our conscience (Ps 51, 12).

4. Grant, O Lord, that this Holy Year of your Redemption 
also become an appeal to the modern world, 
which sees justice and peace on the horizon of its desires, 
but, allowing ever more space to sin, 
lives day by day amidst 
growing tensions and threats, and appears to be heading 
in a dangerous direction for everyone!
Help us change the course 
of the modern world's growing threats and misfortunes!
Raise the man! 
Defend nations and peoples!
Allow not the work of destruction that threatens modern humanity!

5. Lord Jesus Christ, 
may the work of your Redemption be more powerful!
This year, the Church appeals to you 
through your Mother, 
whom you have designated as the Mother of all men.
This is what the Church asks of you 
in the mystery of the Communion of Saints.
This implores your Church vehemently: O Christ!
May the work of your Redemption be more powerful 
- in man and in the world! Amen.

* * *

Universal Prayer
or Prayers of the Faithful

Holy Father:
Fratres et filii carissimi,
qui nuntium redemptionis nostræ magno gaude accepimus,
flagitemus a Deo ut omnium illorum
preces benignus exaudiat qui ad mirabilem
Christi incarnatione celebramus.
Dear brothers and children, 
who received the news of our redemption with great joy, 
let us ask God to graciously hear the prayers 
of all those who celebrate 
the wonderful incarnation of Christ.

The cantor:
Domine deprecemur.

The assembly:
Te rogamus, audi nos.

1. For the Holy Father, John Paul II, for the pastors, and for all the faithful of the church around the world. 
So that, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, they can understand the needs of the men of our time and recognize the signs of the times. R.

2. For all men to whom the Gospel has not yet been proclaimed.
So that God sends them the messengers of his word and opens their hearts to the grace of redemption. R.

3. For the sick, the elderly, the abandoned, and those who have lost hope. 
So that they can meet brothers who are compassionate toward their suffering and eager to help and comfort them. R.

4. For us sinners and for all those who, in this year of grace and salvation, will pray in this holy temple. So that God opens his Fatherly heart to us and forgives our sins so that free from any earthly affection we can live as well-loved children according to his will. R.

5. For our deceased brothers. 
So that God may open to them the inexhaustible springs of his mercy and introduce them to the illuminating joy of eternal happiness. R.

Holy Father:
Domine Pater 
amantissime oranta ecclesiam tuam 
propitius respice tuorum 
ex audi preces filiorum eorumque 
concede postulationibus ut sincera animi convertione expiati 
in regnum tuum ingre valeamus quot 
et tibi pereus intercessionem petimus 
quæ Mater nuntiata est filii tui 
Iesu Christi Domini nostri.

Lord our Father, 
as we pray most lovingly to your church, 
look more favorably on your children's prayers 
and grant their petitions, 
so that we may enter your kingdom 
with a sincere conversion of heart, 
as we ask you for the intercession 
announced to the Mother of your son, 
Jesus Christ our Lord..