Friday, May 31, 2019

Missal for the Apostolic Journey to Romania

On 31 May - 2 June, His Holiness Pope Francis will go to Romania, his 30th Apostolic Journey and 20 years since his predecessor, St. John Paul II visited, the first Pope to visit the predominant Orthodox country. In his 3 day stay, Pope Francis will visit Bucharest, to the city of Iași, to Blaj and to the Marian Shrine of Sumuleu Ciuc.

The theme will be “Let’s Walk Together.” and will have Marian aspects since Romania has often been called “the garden of the Mother of God” a phrase used by St. John Paul II during his visit.

Last 28 May, the Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff published the Missal for the Apostolic Journey on which contains 4 Ceremonies that the Holy Father will preside; 2 Holy Mass, 1 Marian encounter and the Divine Liturgy which will include a Beatification.

The Languages will be spoken in Romanian, while the intercession or the Prayers of the Faithful will be spoken in different languages (French, Italian, Korean, Arabic, English & Portuguese).

Liturgical Celebrations presided by the Holy Father

Eucharistic Celebrations

The Holy Father will preside at 2 Eucharistic Celebrations in the Roman Rite, both under the Marian aspects, since this is the focus of the Apostolic Journey.

At the Catholic Cathedral of St. Joseph in Bucarest on the first day, 31 May, since it is the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary according to the General Roman Calendar, its formulary is used. The Second Eucharistic Prayer is used.

On 1 June, the Holy Father will visit the Marian Sanctuary in Sumuleu Ciuc and since it is the first Saturday of the Month, it will use the formulary of the Votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Image and Mother of the Church, taken in the Missal of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And since their is 3 version of it (which will be posted in the future in this blog) the 1st one will be used. The Third Eucharistic Prayer is used.

The Holy Father will recite the Masses in Latin, with responses in Romanian. The General Intercessions will be recited in Romanian, while on the Mass at 1 June has Hungarian & German included.

Marian Encounter with Families and Young People

The encounter with Families and young people in Iași also on 1 June, will be a Liturgy of the Word which also have a Marian aspect in it.

after the greeting of the Bishop of Iași, a chant to the Resurrection and testimony of a Romanian Family and a Young Romanian person. The Holy Father will recite the opening Prayer, taken from the Collect of the Votive Mass of Our Lady of Cenacle, which is taken from the Missal of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The reading is taken from the Acts of the Apostles, which tells the story of the Descent of the Holy Spirit. After the General Intercessions which will be in Romanian, German, Polish & Hungarian, the Holy Father will recite the Act of Entrustment of the Youth and the Families to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Other than the Act of Entrustment which will be recited in Italian, the Liturgy will be recited in Latin.

Divine Liturgy & Beatification

On Sunday, 2 June in Blaj, the Holy Father will preside in a Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, used in the Romanian Orthodox Church. On that Liturgy he will beatify Venerable Valeriu Traian Frenţiu and 6 Companions, Bishops of Roman-Greek Catholic Rite martyred "in Odium Fidei" during the Communist regime in Eastern Europe.

This is the second time a Beatification will be presided by the Holy Father under the Divine Liturgy, the last time it happened was in 2001 when St. John Paul II presided the Beatification of 28 Greek Catholic Servants of God in Ukraine.

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