Saturday, December 2, 2023

Indication for the First Vespers and beginning of the three year preparation period for the Great Jubilee 2000 (30 November 1996)







The celebration of Vespers takes place according to the order provided by the Roman Liturgy. However, it is useful to note the meaning of some euchological texts and the specific ritual elements that characterize the moment of prayer.


This is an ancient rite common to the liturgies of the East and the West which, determined by a functional reason (the turning on of the lights at sunset), soon became an occasion for a song to Christ, the unfailing light of the world. The rite takes place at the beginning of Vespers and is characterized by the singing of the ancient hymn to Christ "O joyous light" and the light of some lamps.

Enthronement of the Book of the Gospels

The Gospel, surrounded by 7 lamps, carried in procession, and solemnly placed on the altar of Confession where it remains throughout the celebration.

Offering of incense

Before the singing of the Psalms, the ritual offering of incense takes place which, according to biblical tradition (cf. Rev 8, 3-4), expresses the prayer of evening praise which, just like incense, rises towards heaven in the presence of God.

Monition and collects to the psalms and the canticle

According to what is foreseen in the "Principles and norms of the Liturgy of the Hours" (nn. 110-112), each psalm is introduced by a short admonition and is concluded by a "prayer on the psalm". This is with the aim of helping the assembly and the individual believer to "understand the psalms and transform them into Christian prayer".

The Pope's Prayer for the Jubilee

The prayer composed by the Holy Father John Paul II for the first year of preparation for the Jubilee of 2000 takes the place of the intercessions of Vespers. The prayer is in fact divided into five "strophes" and is presented in an almost litany form, with the possibility of an "ad libitum" acclamation for the participation of the assembly. The text also takes up the themes of the Apostolic Letter "Tertio millennio adveniente" on Christ, Son of God and Son of the Virgin, author and component of faith, and is therefore in perfect harmony with the liturgical season of Advent.

+ Piero Marini



The Holy Father, preceded by the Holy Ministers, the Deacons, the altar servers and some lay people, enters the Basilica and stops in front of the central door.

Introductory verse

Monition of the Holy Father

The Holy Father:
Brothers and Sisters, 
with the evening sacrifice of praise 
we open the new liturgical year 
to magnify the almighty Lord 
and invoke his mercy and his gifts 
on the three-year period of preparation 
for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 
which we begin today. 
We open a new path of faith 
celebrating the light that illuminates every man and woman, 
"Jesus Christ, the only Savior of the world, yesterday, today and forever".

Let us open the doors of our hearts, 
of our homes, of our institutions, 
to the one whom the Father wanted 
to be born of the Virgin Mary 
to announce the good news to the poor 
and salvation to all creatures 
and thus fulfill the words of the prophet Isaiah.

In him our hope will not be disappointed, 
while we wait vigilant and industrious in charity 
for his second coming: 
the flame lit in the heart of history in his first advent, 
breaks out gloriously 
and the night will be like the day 
and will shine with light for joy without end.


The lamps carried by the altar servers and the lay people taking part in the procession are lit. Then the procession starts, while singing:

O Luce Gioiosa

Enthronement of the Book of the Gospels

Once the procession arrives at the Altar, the Holy Father stops in front of the Confession while the Deacon places the Book of the Gospels on the Altar and the altar servers and lay people place the lamps around the Book of the Gospels and the Confession. The lights of the Basilica, which remained in the shadows, are turned on.

Offering of Incense

Once the hymn is finished, the Holy Father goes to the chair and infuses incense into the brazier that two Deacons place in front of the Altar. Meanwhile the schola sings the antiphon:

Stetit Angelus
cf. Rev. 8, 3-4

Stetit angelus juxta aram templi habens thuribulum aureum in manu sua: et data sunt ei incensa multa, et ascendit fumus aromatum in conspectu Dei.
An angel stood near the sanctuary of the Temple holding a golden thurible in his hand, and he was given much incense, and aromatic smoke rose in the sight of God.


We pray with Psalm 140. It is the prayer of evening praise that rises towards heaven, like incense in the presence of God. It is the same prayer of Christ "when with the elevation of his hands on the cross, you offer to the Father for the salvation of entire world itself, as a sacrifice of the evening, that is, as a sacrifice of the end of the centuries" (G. Cassiano). The Church courageously embarks on the journey towards the Great Jubilee of 2000, with an intense prayer of supplication and praise, entrusted to the intercession of Christ, her Spouse and Lord.

1st Antiphon

La Schola:
Annuntiáte pópulis et dícite: Ecce Deus salvátor noster véniet.
Proclaim the good news among the nations; Our God will come to save us.

Psalm 141, 1-9

Pause of silence.

Prayer on the Psalm

Everyone remains seated, while a Sacred Minister says:
Ascendat in conspectu tuo, Domine sicut incensum oratio nostra, et super nos, novum anni circulum ineuentes, descendat misricordia tua. Custodi nos a cunctis malis, omnibus consolationem tribue, omnes rege, omnes apud te mereamur veniam invenire.
Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
℟. Amen.

Like incense, O God, may our prayer rise to you, and may your mercy descend upon us at the beginning of this new liturgical year. Preserve us from all evil, give consolation to everyone and guide our steps, because we can all deserve your forgiveness.
Through Christ our Lord.

Psalm 141 is a confident supplication addressed to God, the prayer of the one who assumed our flesh and, coming into the world to do the will of the Father, introduced filial prayer into this exile, expressed with human words and feelings. Since then the cry, the supplication, the lament of each person acquire meaning and value in him. He, Head of the mystical Body and Firstborn of every creature, presents the prayers of the entire human race to the Father because he is the Mediator of the new and eternal Covenant.

2nd Antiphon

La Schola:
Ecce Dóminus véniet, et omnes sancti eius cum eo, et erit in die illa lux magna, allelúia.
Know the Lord is coming and with him all his saints; that day will dawn with a wonderful light, alleluia.

Psalm 142

Pause of silence.

Prayer on the Psalm

Everyone remains seated, while a Sacred Minister says:
Pietatem tuam, Domine, deprecantes, tribulationem nostram ante te pronuntiamus et humili voce exposcimus: ut a Christo, spe nostra, adiuti portionem cum electis tuis in terra viventium sortiamur.
Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
℟. Amen.

We present our tribulations to you, Lord, imploring your goodness, and humbly ask you: Christ, our hope, lead us to have a part, with your elect, in the land of the living.
Through Christ our Lord.


The Song of the Letter to the Philippians, the Christian community's primitive profession of faith, proclaims the mystery of Jesus, Alpha and Omega of history. We sing of the humility of his coming among us in the incarnation, the supreme obedience of his redemptive death, the glory of his exaltation in the resurrection. May Christ be proclaimed to all as the Redeemer of the world, center of the cosmos and of history. May it be recognized and confessed by all the peoples of the earth, because Jesus Christ is the Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

3rd Antiphon

La Schola:
Véniet Dóminus in potestáte magna, et vidébit eum omnis caro.
 The Lord will come with mighty power; all mortal eyes shall see him.

Phil 2, 6-11

Pause of silence.

Prayer on the Canticle

Everyone remains seated, while a Sacred Minister says:
Deus, Pater omnipotens, cuius Filius semetipsum exinanivit formam servi accipiens, concede nobis viam crucis promptis ingredi animis, ut cum illo exaltari mereamur, qui, universorum Dominus, tecum regnat gloriosus, per omnia sæcula sæculorum.
℟. Amen.

God, almighty Father, your Son empties himself, assuming the condition of a servant. Grant us to walk the path of the cross with diligence, so that you deserve to be raised up next to him in glory. He, Lord and Judge of history, reigns in glory with you forever and ever.

Reading of the Word of God

From the letter to the Hebrews.                                                                     13, 8. 15-16. 20-21

Homily of the Holy Father

Brief Responsory

Canticle of the Blessed Virgin Mary

During the singing of the Magnificat, the Holy Father infuses incense into the censers and two Deacons incense the Altar and the assembly.


The schola:
Ecce nomen Dómini venit de longínquo, et cláritas eius replet orbem terrárum.
See the Lord coming from afar; his splendor fills the earth.

Luke 1, 46-55


The Holy Father:
In this time of Advent we celebrate the coming of the Lord: 
yesterday, in the humility of his incarnation; 
today, in his merciful presence in the Church and in the world; 
at the end of time, in his glory, the definitive manifestation of him.
As we begin the three-year period of preparation 
for the Great Jubilee of 2000, 
we invoke the Lord Jesus, 
source of joy for all those who await him with faith, 
and we raise our ardent supplication to him in the Spirit:

The Cantor:
Tibi laus, Christe, tibi gloria nunc et in sæcula.
Praise and glory to you, O Christ, today and for ever

The assembly repeats: Tibi laus, Christe, tibi gloria nunc et in sæcula.


The Holy Father:
Lord Jesus, 
who are the fullness of time and the Lord of history, 
prepare our minds to celebrate with faith 
the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, 
that it may be a year of grace and mercy. 
Give us a pure and simple heart, 
that we may contemplate with ever renewed wonder 
the mystery of the Incarnation 
when you, the Son of God, 
in the womb of the Virgin, sanctuary of the Spirit, 
became our brother.
℟. Tibi laus, Christe, tibi gloria nunc et in sæcula.

The Holy Father:
Jesus, the beginning and fulfilment of the new man, 
convert our hearts 
so that, abandoning the ways of error, 
we may walk in your footsteps 
on the path which leads to life. 
Make us live our faith steadfastly, 
fulfilling our baptismal promises, 
testifying with conviction to your word, 
that the life-giving light of the Gospel 
may shine in our families and in society.
℟. Tibi laus, Christe, tibi gloria nunc et in sæcula.

The Holy Father:
Jesus, power and wisdom of God, 
inspire in us a love for Sacred Scripture 
in which is heard the voice of the Father 
which enlightens, inflames, nourishes and consoles. 
Word of the living God, 
renew missionary zeal in the Church, 
that all peoples may come to know you, 
true Son of God and true son of man, 
the one mediator between man and God.
℟. Tibi laus, Christe, tibi gloria nunc et in sæcula.

The Holy Father:
Jesus, fount of unity and peace, 
strengthen communion in your Church. 
Give fresh impulse to the ecumenical movement, 
that all your disciples 
may become one 
by the power of the Holy Spirit. 
You who gave us as the rule of life 
the new commandment of love, 
make us builders of a world that is united, 
in which war is conquered by peace 
and the culture of death by a zeal for life.
℟. Tibi laus, Christe, tibi gloria nunc et in sæcula.

The Holy Father:
Jesus, only-begotten Son of the Father, 
full of grace and truth, 
the light which illumines every person, 
give the abundance of your life 
to all who seek you with a sincere heart. 
℟. Tibi laus, Christe, tibi gloria nunc et in sæcula.

To you, man's Redeemer, 
the beginning and the end of time and of the universe, 
to the Father, unending source of all good, 
and to the Holy Spirit, seal of infinite love, 
be all honour and glory, now and for ever. 
℟. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Our Father

The Holy Father:
Remember us, Lord Jesus, 
with your Father, 
and allow us to pray with your words:

PATER NOSTER (in gregorian chant)


The Holy Father:
Da, quǽsumus, omnípotens Deus,
hanc tuis fidélibus voluntátem,
ut, Christo tuo veniénti iustis opéribus occurréntes,
eius déxteræ sociáti, regnum mereántur possidére cæléste.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Chrístum Fílium tuum,
qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus,
per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
℟. Amen.
Grant your faithful, we pray, almighty God,
the resolve to run forth to meet your Christ
with righteous deeds at his coming,
so that, gathered at his right hand,
they may be worthy to possess the heavenly kingdom.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.

Apostolic Blessing

Marian Antiphon


Texts taken from "Magnum Iubilæum. Trinitati Canticum"

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