Wednesday, January 15, 2025

30th Anniversary of World Youth Day Manila 1995: Closing Mass of the 10th World Youth Day



January 15, 1995



8.45 AM




The Holy Father:
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, 
and of the Holy Spirit.
R. Amen.

eace be with you.
R. And with your Spirit.


His Eminence Cardinal Jaime L. Sin, Archbishop of Manila, welcomes the Holy Father.


The Holy Father introduces the celebration and the penitential rite:

Dear young people of the Philippines 
and from all over the world, 
I am very happy to meet with you 
to conclude the Tenth World Youth Day. 
I know you have made this encounter 
a vital and fervent witness of faith. 
Today, as we commemorate the feast 
of the Santo Niño,
we consider how Jesus was ever obedient 
to the will of the Father.

We are bound together 
by the same faith 
and confidence in the Son of God 
who came to us in response 
to the mission given him by the Father. 
We are called to the same mission 
and sent by Christ to proclaim the Gospel: 
"As the Father sent me, so am I sending you".

May we, with God's grace, respond to this call 
and together find Jesus, the one sent by the Father, 
alive in our hearts. 
And in him, let us implore the forgiveness
by which we are renewed and saved.

After a moment of silence the cantor makes the invocations:

Lord Jesus, born of Mary, 
Child in whom we rejoice: 
Panginoon, kaawaan mo kami, kaawaan mo kami.
R. Panginoon, kaawaan mo kami, kaawaan mo kami.

Christ Jesus, sent by the Father, 
our forgiveness and our joy: 
Cristo, ten piedad, ten piedad.
R. Cristo, ten piedad, ten piedad.

Lord Jesus, anointed by the Spirit, 
source of life and of our mission to evangelize: 
Lord, have mercy, have mercy.
R. Lord, have mercy, have mercy.

The Holy Father:
May almighty God have mercy on us,
forgive us our sins,
and bring us to everlasting life.
R. Amen.


Sung by choir and assembly and accompanied by a rondalla band and other musical instruments.

A youth group reinforces the festivity of the occasion with fitting choreography. The assembled youth may wave their hands and colored kerchiefs as the refrain is sung.


The Holy Father:
Father in heaven,
may we recognize your
only son as God even in the
lowliness of his human nature
and adore him as our mighty Lord
even in the frailty of his childhood.
May we follow him with sincere hearts.
Help us to welcome his kingdom among us
with the eagerness of a child
and to receive the reward
promised to the humble.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
R. Amen.


FIRST READING (in Chinese)

A son is given to us

恭讀依撒意亞先知書 九,1-6
(A Reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah 9:1-6)


R. Here I am, Lord, send me


He chose us in Christ to be his children

Lectura de la carta del apóstol San Pablo a los Efesios 1: 3-6, 15-18


After the Pope has blessed the Deacon, the latter takes the Book of the Gospel from the altar and raises it aloft for veneration. With the use of candles, together with hand and body movements, the youth group of dancers lead the assembly's attention to the Book and help them honor the presence of Christ in his Word.

After a fitting moment of veneration, the Deacon processes to the ambo accompanied by the young liturgical dancers and as the Gospel is proclaimed, the coming to life of the Word is highlighted by an aura of light, beauty and the sweet-smelling fragrance of incense.

Meanwhile, the Alleluia is sung by the assembly led by the choir.

R. Alleluia.

1. Sing praise to the Lord, all you people. 
Sing of the wonders He's fashioned. 
O sing to the Lord without ceasing. 

2. The Lord has made known his salvation, 
showing his justice and mercy 
to people throughout ev'ry nation. Alleluia.


His parents found him in the temple, 
sitting among the doctors, listening to them

The Deacon:
The Lord be with you.
R. And also with you.

✠ A Reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke 2: 41-52.
R. Glory to you, O Lord.

While the choir and the assembly sing again the Gospel acclamation, the deacon carries the book of the Gospel to the Holy Father, who, as a sign of reverence, kisses it and blesses the congregation.

Five IYF delegates are led forward to kiss the Gospel book.



His Eminence Cardinal Eduardo Pironio, invites the congregation to renew their faith:
Dear brothers and sisters, through the paschal mystery we have been buried with Christ in baptism, so that we may rise to a new life. Now, after hearing the Word of God and in the presence of the Successor of Peter, who came to strengthen us with the energizing words of Christ: "As the Father sent me, so am I sending you" (John 20:21), let us renew the profession of faith made at our baptism and commit ourselves to love and faithfully serve God and our brothers and sisters in the Holy Church.

The Holy Father:
Do you believe in God, the Father almighty, 
creator of heaven and earth?
R. Credo, credo, credo, amen. 
(sung with the right hand raised as a sign of pledge)

Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord 
who was born of the Virgin Mary,
was, crucified, died and was buried,
rose from the dead, 
and is now seated at the right hand of the Father?
R. Credo, credo, credo, amen. 
(sung with the right hand raised as a sign of pledge)

Do you believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church, 
the communion of saints, 
the forgiveness of sins, 
the resurrection of the body, 
and life everlasting?
R. Credo, credo, credo, amen. 
(sung with the right hand raised as a sign of pledge)

This is our faith. 
This is the faith of the Church. 
We are proud to profess it, 
in Jesus Christ our Lord.
R. Amen, amen, amen. (sung)


The Holy Father:
Dear brothers and sisters, 
we are gathered in prayer 
together with all the young people of the world; 
let us ask Christ the Lord, the beloved Son, 
that, in the strength of the Spirit, 
we may be sent into the world 
as messengers of the Gospel, 
as He was sent by the Father:

R. O Lord, hear us we pray;
O Lord, give us your love. (sung)

1.  Signore Gesù, centro della nostra vita, ti preghiamo per il Santo Padre Giovanni Paolo II, infaticabile apostolo del Vangelo sulle strade del mondo,
- fa' che senta forte e sicura la tua presenza, la comunione di tutte le Chiese e dei loro Pastori, la fedeltà e l'amore di tutti i giovani del mondo. R.

Lord Jesus, centre of our life, we pray to you for the Holy Father John Paul II, tireless apostle of the Gospel along the roads of the world;
- let him feel, strong and sure, your presence, the communion of all the Churches and of their Pastors, the fidelity and love of all the young people of the world.

أيها المعلم الصالح ، أصل إيماننا ، نصلي إليك من أجل السلام في العالم وخصوصاً في المناطق حيث البغض لا يزال أقوى من المحبة ،
" إعمل في الشبيبة ، المليئة بالبادرات والسخاء ، كي تلتزم في حياتها اليومية فتصبح رائدة المصالحة وبانية حضارة المحبة " .


Good Master, root of our faith, we pray to you for the peace of the world, especially in the regions where hate is still stronger than love;
- let young people, full of initiative and generosity, pledge themselves to become, in their daily lives, agents of reconci- liation and builders of the civilization of love.

3. Mesjaszu ubogich, racjo naszej nadziei, prosimy Cię za wszystkimi, którzy cierpią na duszy i ciele, za chorymi, uwięzionymi i za tymi, którzy żyją w rozpaczy,
- spraw, by fala wielkodusznej miłości zrodzona w Twoim sercu i przez nas niesiona w świat jak ogień, dała na nowo nadzieję zwątpionym i umocnienie słabym. R.

Messiah of the poor, reason for our hope, we pray to you for all who suffer in body and in spirit, for the outcast, the sick, the imprisoned, the desperate;
- let a wave of strong and generous love, springing from your heart, and carried by us as fire into the world, give back hope to the disheartened and strength to the weak.

4. Ee, Mwana wa Bikira Maria, chem chemi ya upendo wetu, tunakuomba kwa ajili ya familia zote ulimwenguni, hasa wanandoa vijana, ili waweze kuwa tumaini la maende- leo kadiri ya amri zako,
- tunakuomba, kwa mfano wa Familia ya Nazareti, kila familia iweze kuwa kweli kiini cha ukuaji wa kimwili, kwa ajili ya watoto na vijana; kwa hekima na neema yako na kwa utukufu wa Baba. R.

Son of the Virgin Mary, source of our charity, we pray to you for all the families of the world, especially for young couples, in hope for a civilization that will be in accordance with your law;
- in the image of the family of Nazareth, let every home be a place where children and young people grow in wisdom and in grace for the glory of God the Father.

5. Époux de l'Église, consacré et envoyé du Père, nous te prions pour tous les jeunes - garçons et filles - que tu appelles à une consécration spéciale dans l'Église,
- fais qu'un nouveau printemps de nombreuses et saintes vocations prépare les apôtres de la nouvelle évangélisation envoyés à porter à tous l'Évangile de la paix et de la joie. R.

Spouse of the Church, consecrated and sent by the Father, we pray to you for all the young men and women whom you call to a special consecration in the Church;
- let a new springtime of many holy vocations raise up apostles of the new evangelization, sent forth to bring to all the Gospel of peace and joy.

6. है कूसित एवं पुनर्जीवित प्रभु येसू, सम्पूर्ण विश्व के युवाओं के साथ मैत्री एवं गर्थना भाव से यहाँ एकत्र सभी लोगों के लिए हम प्रार्थना करते हैं।
- ऐसा करें हे प्रभु, कि दुख-मोग एवं महिमा की घड़ी में निष्ठावान शिष्यों के समान उद्वारकारी शब्द के साहसी साक्षी बनने के लिए आपके पदचिन्हों पर चलने का हमें ज्ञान हो। R.

Lord Jesus, Crucified and Risen from the dead, we pray to you for all of us gathered here, in communion of friendship and prayer with all the young people of the world;
- let us be faithful disciples, able to follow in your footsteps in times of suffering and at the hour of glory, and to be courageous witnesses to the Word that saves.

The Holy Father:
Lord Jesus,
obedient unto death, 
raised to the height of glory, 
you live to intercede for us with the Father. 
Listen to our prayer 
and grant us the joy of being able strongly to proclaim 
that You are the one Savior of the world. 
You live and reign for ever and ever.
R. Amen.



The Holy Father:
God, our Father, with joyful hearts and living faith we celebrate today the mysteries of the childhood of your Son, who became one of us. May this sacrifice, by which we can give you proper worship, fully reconcile us to you.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.
R. Amen.


Ten young people carrying long lighted candles, five young men carrying large earthenware vessels of incense, and five young women carrying baskets of flowers move towards the altar steps. Dressed in Filipino native costumes, they remain there during the Eucharistic Prayer as sentinels of the Eucharist.



The Holy Father:
My brothers and sisters, 
gathered from all over the earth 
and speaking different tongues 
which echo various cultural heritages and experiences, 
let us call upon God the Father of us all 
in the words our Savior gave us.

With hands linked to each other as a sign of fraternity and unity, the members of assembly pray the Lord's Prayer in their native tongues.


One handicapped person and five IYF delegates from the different continents are escorted to the Pope to receive the sign of peace.

The cantor:
Kordero ng Diyos na nag-aalis ng mga kasalanan ng sanlibutan.
R. Maawa ka, maawa ka sa amin.

Cordero de Dios, que quitas el pecado del mundo.
R. Ten piedad, O Señor, ten piedad.

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world.
R. Grant us peace, O Lord, grant us peace.


The Holy Father:
God our Father, in this eucharist you have satisfied our hunger. With your Son, born of the Virgin Mary, may we always seek your will, grow in age, wisdom and grace, and be aware that we are pleasing to you. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.







The Holy Father:
The Lord be with you.
R. And with your spirit.

The Deacon:
Bow your heads and pray for God's blessing.

The whole Church is missionary and the work of evangelization is a basic duty of the People of God. Each one of us is sent into the world to communicate the Gospel of reconciliation and peace.

May almighty God bless you in his mercy, 
and make you always aware of his saving wisdom.
R. Amen.

May he strengthen your faith with proofs of his love, 
so that you will persevere in good works.
R. Amen.

May he direct your steps to himself, 
and show you how to walk in charity and peace.
R. Amen.

May almighty God bless you,
the Father,  and the Son,  
and the Holy  Spirit.
R. Amen.

The Deacon:
Go, therefore, proclaim the Good News 
that springs forth from the power of the Cross, 
and be a life-force of God's love and peace.
R. Thanks be to God.


World Youth Day '95 Theme Song
(to be accompanied with the releasing of 300 doves)

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